Duke vs Northwestern

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Jun 28, 2024
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Hi everyone - extremely grateful to have been admitted to both Duke and NW. My heart was set on Northwestern after interviewing, but now that I've gotten into both, I'm having some second thoughts. Any advice would be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance!

*Cost is negligible in my case - will be same at both schools


  • LOCATION (close to family and friends in midwest, absolutely love chicago, and really want to live in a big city as an LGBTQ man)
  • Great opportunities for health economics and business - an avenue that I'm very interested in
  • Absolutely loved the vibes on interview day - will need to assess in person
  • Somewhat less prestigious than Duke
  • Match list not as good as Duke
  • AOA
  • H/HP/P/F clerkships
  • 2 year preclinical, no built-in time for research

  • Slightly more prestigious than NW
  • Much better match list than NW
  • 3rd year entirely for research!
  • No AOA, P/F clerkships
  • Location - far from family, surburban, and not sure if I would love area as much as chicago (especially as an LGBTQ man)
  • Limited opportunities in health economics/business realm, at least in comparison to NW. Might want to do non-clinical medicine some years down the line
Overall, I have some reservations about NW regarding grading, prestige/match list, and curriculum in comparison to Duke - but location means a lot to me. Super grateful to be in this position though.

Thanks in advance!

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i think this comes down to how much you value location/support vs. curriculum/stress due to p/f. prestige here is a wash! Duke isn't gonna do anything for you NW can't and match lists at this level are based on student interests more than anything.

Have you talked to students on how easy it is to honor/whether there's a cap on how many get honors at NW?

disclaimer: on both waitlists
Admitted to Duke, R for NW

I think this really comes down to location, $$ and culture. Visit Duke for 2nd look and see what you think about the area. Personally, I think it's insanely beautiful, tons of hiking/outdoors stuff, which I value much more than nightlife (although there's a bit of that as well). See if you get $$. The curriculum can make a bit of a difference, I've seen people say that H/HP/... can led to some subjective grading that is BS, but if you're highly motivated I'm sure you can succeed w/ graded clerkships. Anyone who tries to say prestige differences at the T20 (and T10 no less) matter is full of **** and should touch grass.

Consider what your life will look like 1 year from now when the excitement of decisions wears off. What does that life look like to you?
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I dont think you will have any issue pursuing health economics and business at Duke as well, isn't Fuqua also really good? Regardless, it seems the only serious reservation you have about duke is the location and proximity to loved ones, which is a call you have to make. by the tone of your post though, you really seem to be leaning towards duke, and the cons of northwestern seem much worse than the cons for duke. id personally go duke, but this is a personal call to make imo

disclaimer I'm on the northwestern waitlist
I'll echo what most others have said about quality of the programs and that imo at the end of the day, the curriculum and prestige isn't very different between the two places. I do think culture and location should be a factor considering that your family is closer to Chicago and you want to be in a bigger city. Though, I've also seen a ton of people who didn't think they would like Durham/Duke that much but seeing it in person changed their minds. I echo that you should attend both second looks and see what you think. Also, the LGBTQ isn't horribly small here imo but definitely bigger in raleigh which is close.

If you want to do health economics and business as well, Duke's 3rd year could give you the opportunity to do an MBA in Fuqua.

disclaimer: On the Duke waitlist, attended Duke for undergrad
I'd go Duke for the curriculum. You can be close to family and still be stressed. With Duke, you're only gonna have to get through the first 2 years (which are P/F). After, you have a lot more flexibility to visit home more frequently. I also think the area in which Duke/UNC is in is very progressive, so you'll be fine.
Feinberg has required research of at least 4 weeks during M1-M2 summer (unfunded). An extra 4 weeks of funded research is allowed too. Research is pretty easy to get done here. Our curriculum is pretty flexible time wise and there's plenty of time for research during the week. Happy to answer any more questions about curriculum - I don't know how other schools have their's designed but I am pretty happy with ours.
Duke M1 here, I can help link you to our PRIDE student group if you have specific questions but also recommend attending SLW to see the area. Business/healthcare innovation opportunity here is plentiful, see DIHI for example where many students do full 3rd yr thru. MBA also as others mentioned.

I was considering NW last year, and it's also a great program. Cant go wrong, don't worry about the match list or specific opportunities for this (mostly negligible difference). It really comes down to location/proximity to family vs P/F. I moved across the country from family, and it does hurt and there are times I wish I was much closer, but true P/F here has been such a lifesaver and pleasure. You will be good either way
I don't get how COA is the same at both Duke and Northwestern. Are you sure? I don't think rent in downtown Chicago is the same as the apartments surrounding the Duke campus... not to mention parking.

I assure you will be fine at both Duke and Northwestern.