[DVM360 Opinion] Comparison and competition in veterinary medicine

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Oct 14, 2011
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dvm360 student ambassador Sophia Jodka challenges all students, at every stage, to rethink the competitive environment they have created or fostered. (We get a mention!)

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dvm360 student ambassador Sophia Jodka challenges all students, at every stage, to rethink the competitive environment they have created or fostered. (We get a mention!)

Thanks for sharing. This was very well-written. For the reasons stated, I did not post on the successful applicants thread. Before I was accepted, I would read others' stats and inevitably feel worse about or question my own. This is not discredit/dissuade anyone from sharing, as the info was helpful in some ways.
I admit it is helpful to know since most of us (advisors) take impressions from premed about what one should do. Vet med admissions is much more complicated and a black box and often I don't understand why someone didn't get "enough" experience according to an adcom decision.

By the way, I am working on a new SDN Admissions Guide to Veterinary School. If anyone is interested in commenting on it, let me know. It's not ready for comments, but I appreciate anyone willing to help.
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I admit it is helpful to know since most of us (advisors) take impressions from premed about what one should do. Vet med admissions is much more complicated and a black box and often I don't understand why someone didn't get "enough" experience according to an adcom decision.

By the way, I am working on a new SDN Admissions Guide to Veterinary School. If anyone is interested in commenting on it, let me know. It's not ready for comments, but I appreciate anyone willing to help.

I would love to contribute if possible. I think we've spoken before about how MSAR is a much more useful tool for human pre-med students than VMSAR is for pre-vets. It would be awesome if your admissions guide were a step in that direction.
I admit it is helpful to know since most of us (advisors) take impressions from premed about what one should do. Vet med admissions is much more complicated and a black box and often I don't understand why someone didn't get "enough" experience according to an adcom decision.

By the way, I am working on a new SDN Admissions Guide to Veterinary School. If anyone is interested in commenting on it, let me know. It's not ready for comments, but I appreciate anyone willing to help.
I'm also up for contributing.