Hi there! I'm a vet student with a blog looking for other veterinary blogs out there! I saw maybe two other threads where people were posting their blogs, but they seem really old (10+ years) so I thought I'd start one here. I'm not even sure if people still write blogs now, but if you do or know someone who does, feel free to add them here!
Here's mine: Mooving Through the World
I share my adventures as an American studying in a UK vet school. It's not all vet stuff, I do also have many many hobbies. I do also have a section where you can share your own story as a pre-vet or vet professional. Thanks!
Here's mine: Mooving Through the World
I share my adventures as an American studying in a UK vet school. It's not all vet stuff, I do also have many many hobbies. I do also have a section where you can share your own story as a pre-vet or vet professional. Thanks!