Learn how to make different meat options. i like to put marinated bbq and sirracha beef cuts in the frying pan with onions, maybe some chopped potatoes. Alternative meat choices could be oven baked chicken with olive oil and lemon, or a quality sausage.
Then learn how to make vegetable options. Like buttered oven baked asparagus, spinach, onions, peppers, salads, mashed potatoes.
Then you can cheaply use spaghetti or spicy ramen or Mac and cheese or rice for carbs.
I mix and match and do what ever to get me a lot of good meals each week. Then for the rest I can make sandwiches or hot dogs or burgers. Doesn't take too much time. The trick is to learn how to make a bunch of different food groups and then impromtu meals become both each and diverse.
Great breakfast I like to eat every morning - 3 sausages, 3 eggs, bagel and cream cheese and a yogurt with cold brew coffee 😉