EK Physics 30-min Exam Lecture 1

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Question 7 - Can someone please explain to me why we throw directly at Tim when we don't know the initial angle to the horizontal with which the ball is being thrown?

Question 23 - Why isn't the answer b? The board is 1 meter in both cases, and is the straight line path along which the ball travels, right?


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if you are still wondering:

7) this one got me as well but because gravity is constant, and the ball starts at a lower position, the amount of time it goes up is the same amount of time it takes the guy on the board to go down to meet the ball at the same height. this explanation is dodgy yes but it is the only way i can explain it.

23) displacement is a vector so unless the balls go in the exact same direction at the same magnitude displacement will be different. distance is the same in this question, but displacement is not.
I just took this quiz last night and had a similar hiccup.

Watch out for displacement vs. distance as well as velocity vs. speed. It seems like this is a common trick for the MCAT to throw at us.