Elevated Urobilinogen in Crigler-Najjar?

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Sep 25, 2012
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FA2014 page 363

Elevated urine urobilinogen is seen in hemolytic anemia, physiologic (newborns), Crigler-Najjar, and Gilbert's.

I understand how you get elevated urobilinogen in hemolytic anemia, since conjugation potential is still intact. I don't understand how you get elevated urobilinogen in the absence of UDP-glucouronyltransferase.

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Depends on if it's type I or type II. Type II is more benign so you would see urobilinogen.
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I still don't understand. How can you have HIGHER UROBILINOGEN when your ability to conjugate bilirubin is absent or impaired to any severity.
I still don't understand. How can you have HIGHER UROBILINOGEN when your ability to conjugate bilirubin is absent or impaired to any severity.
I'm having trouble with this, too. On FA2014's proposed errata page, there are about 3 remarks about this specific topic, but no official word from them on changing it yet. Nowhere in my notes or textbooks can I find specific info on urobilinogen in Crigler-najar, Gilbert's, or physiologic jaundice of newborn. However, it only makes sense that in these disorders urobilinogen would be low.

In Pathoma, it says that urobilinogen is produced from conjugated bilirubin by the intestinal flora. If you can't conjugate bilirubin via UGT, I don't think you can have elevated urobilinogen.