Rates are all over the place in the country like every other profession. I am confident all of the averages quoted (esp for EM) is skewed. I am sure they ask every EM doc what they make.
What they should do is ask ONLY full time ED docs (atleast 30hrs/wk) what they make. Alot of EM docs I know work Urgent care, work 6 shifts a month, work on FSEDs. Throw these people in with full timers, then you may get only 250k/yr.
But when people ask what EM docs make, they assume that the pay is equivalent to full time work. Otherwise what is the point of asking what a person makes if you do not assume that they are full time.
I know in the South, EM docs would work for no Less than 200/hr (benefits taken into account) at a hospital based ED which works out to about 350k for 12 hr shifts, 12 shifts a month. And this is the low end of the scale and in including ALL cities including the big cities even Austin.
I know many that have contract rates at 300+/hr.