EMR and billing software

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Jul 4, 2005
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Since paperless is the future, what EMR and billing software are you guys using? Web based vs one that you purchase outright? My partner just googled and found a web based program called Advancedmd.com and it seems cool online. Real world who knows.....please help!!! :scared: :scared:


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found algos's suggestions in the "start up" thread. Anyone with experience with amazingcharts.com or the other one he mentioned? Amazing charts has a free 3 month demo which sounds good.

I am a practicing Spine/ Pain Medicine Physiatrist and was unable to find the EMR technology available on the market to meet the specific needs of Spine/Pain Medicine. I have taken considerable time, effort and expense and have developed an EMR [DataMed Systems] that will maintain an electronic record (eliminating all paper if you wish) and generate comprehensive evaluations in minutes. This is not an EMR that requires "customization" to work for a Pain Practice, it is already customized for Spine/Pain as it stands. I would be happy to demonstrate this online to anyone interested in an EMR system. ([email protected])