Engineering Course BCPM

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10+ Year Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Can I count a Bioengineering Course as BCPM?? Its a stock biophysics course, but my school doesn't have a Biophys dept.

I would also like to add that the prefix of the course is Bioengineering--one of two Bioengineering courses I took. However, I would only include the one I got an A in and not the one I got a B in (the B was in a computational bioinformatics course that basically studied the application of various programming algorithms to biological problems)

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hmmmm, not really sure what theyll do on that one. Technically you can categorize any course any way youd like. There isnt a punishment for incorrectly classifying it. If you want a course to categorized a certain way (but you know its kind of iffy), then just label it that way and if AMCAS disagrees they will change it.
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Sort of related, what exactly defines a BCPM class? Does this include physical sciences, such as engineering computer science courses?
i studied engineering and some class u can classify as BPCM, if AMCAS doesn't agree they'll change it. classes such as such as 'probability' i classified as BPCM although it was offered by the engr dept and other classes with titles 'engineering physics' also offered by the engr dept. good luk, pm me if u have ne questions.
Sort of related, what exactly defines a BCPM class? Does this include physical sciences, such as engineering computer science courses?

On page 40-something of the AMCAS application guide, there is a list of course classifications. It's also been c&p'd to SDN.

Engineering is NOT BCMP... but since the OP's class is biophysics he might be able to get away with it being taught in engineering, as biophysics is considered biology.
Mark the classes you earned high grades in as BCPM, and if they disagree they'll change it. That's what I did, and my undergrad major was biomedical engineering. Best of luck.
Mark the classes you earned high grades in as BCPM, and if they disagree they'll change it. That's what I did, and my undergrad major was biomedical engineering. Best of luck.
That doesn't sound sketchy at all.

Might as well try. I had some 1-semester courses that where designated CHemistry but really had nothing to do with chemistry and they were counted. Try, they can always change it.
If it helps your BCMP just go ahead and mark it as such. Assume they will change it and if they dont well... good for you. I set a few of my engineering classes as BCMP and they did not change anything.

For example I got away with putting my hydrodynamics and circuit classes as physics. I consider alot of the intruductory engineering classes as upperlevel physics and chemistry. I also got away with setting my engineering differential equations class as Engineering and not BCMP (Got a C+). This has not come up at all throughout my interviews.