ERAS question - allow Dean's office to see???

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The ERAS manual says that at the end of the app, the applicant will be allowed to decide whether or not his Dean's office can see the application. What advantage/disadvantage is there to either side? Also, if one doesn't apply to his home program, should he not allow the Dean's office to see the app? Are there any possible repercussions from this? Just wondering.

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why would you not want the Dean's office to see??? they write your Dean's letter and know everything about you... the only reason you wouldn't want them to see is if you were lying in the application somehow...
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GoPistons said:
why would you not want the Dean's office to see??? they write your Dean's letter and know everything about you... the only reason you wouldn't want them to see is if you were lying in the application somehow...

I suppose it would seem this way. Thats why I was wondering...why do they give you the option? Also, if you arent applying to your own program, maybe that could cause the Dean's office to report somewhat less than positively on you??? Just thinking out loud, wondering if anyone chose this option and why.
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they probably give you the option just for privacy reasons... maybe your personal statement is about how you were adopted and you don't want people at your home school to know... alternatively, some people apply in one or more specialty and like to keep this on the DL as much as possible... I, for one, think it is unwise to do this... your dean's office is your advocate... they want to see you match and go to a good place... so they can brag about your class...
Didn't want to start a new thread.

I have some personal stuff in my PS and application and would prefer not to release this information to my Dean's Office (everybody is very chatty and there is no real privacy). Will programs see this as negative - do programs even see if you've given permission for your Dean's Office to see your application?

Thanks for any help
bumping this thread b/c i'm wondering about this too...

personally, i don't think it matters b/c if you need your dean to help you with the application process you can always take a copy of your application and meet with him/her in person.
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When you release your application to your dean's office it does not include your personal statement. Your application is just the things under the application tabs in ERAS so that would include your experiences, languages, training etc. Personal statements are under the documents tab (hence why they can be edited after the application has been verified and submitted). Doesn't help if you're worried about the PS content but may help some. Anyways I would just allow them to see it, they're always on your side, they want their match numbers to look good!