Evaluation in general

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15+ Year Member
Nov 20, 2003
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Well, I am a sophmore, this is my third semester.I have a decent standing but whats worrying me is that i see some ppl taking heavier course loads and more "serious classes". What do you think about the classes i took, will the adcoms be in doubt as to whether i can handle heavy course loads
I took both englishes in high school
first semester: pre-calc, general chem 1, french 1.
Second semester: Calc, general chem 2, Bio 1
i got straight a's so far in all the above classes
Third semester: Psych 1, Econ, Bio, Orgo 1 "I am expecting three a's and a b in orgo"
Where do i stand? am i not proving the ability to handle heavy course loads at all? plz let me know ur insight in this? any comments are appreciated. Thank you

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sounds fine to me... i don't think i took more than one science class at the same time until I was a junior. however junior and senior year i have taken basically ALL upper level science classes :) meanwhile people that took their chem and bio at the same time freshman year and orgo and physics together second year are probably taking fewer science classes now. I think as long as you get all of the required and some of the 'recommended' classes in at some point throughout the 4 years, you shouldn't be overly worried.
As long as you take 12-14 hours a semester you should be okay, and you maintain As anb Bs in the prerequiste classes for dental school, you're in good shape. Work hard in undergrad and the reward is an acceptance to dental school.

You really should be fine. Those A's will look outstanding, and hopefully you're volunteering or working also. The way I see it is that 50 hours volunteering makes up for one B on the transcript, so if I do my calculations correct I'll need roughly 150...but then again, I'm ultra conservative!!! Don't worry so much and you'll be dandy.