Ever had faculty criticize you in front of your patient?

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Sep 15, 2013
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You'll meet some sadists and psychopaths in dental school
You'll meet some sadists and psychopaths in dental school

No kidding. Most of the faculty at my school are fine. I've had an issue with one of the perio clinical faculty at my school. So, I just don't book any of my perio patients in the time slots he's in.
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Happened to me multiple times. But perio folks do tend to knit pick more than others. "how many newtons of force do you probe with?" LOL u serious dawg?
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I've had other students at our school criticize me in front of patients and other faculty. At my school, students are the ones you have to watch out for more than the teachers!!
Just being nitpicky here but as a student, none of the patients are yours....you are speaking to the faculty's patients
Not having been in the clinic much, my experience is limited, but when I was assisting in OS I noticed the attending surgeons liked to unleash lines of questioning on students. Not so much a "criticism" but just a test of the student's knowledge and to probe their decision making processes a bit further.
OS likes to "pimp" students/residents whenever the moment arises. Unfortunately they do not take it well when the shoe is on the other foot, and a colleague unleashes on them. Oh well. The rule of thumb should be "commend in public, mentor in private". Unfortunately this does not always happen.
Happened to me multiple times. But perio folks do tend to knit pick more than others. "how many newtons of force do you probe with?" LOL u serious dawg?

Really? I feel like every perio faculty member I work with is very chill.

Maybe that's because I've proven to all of them that I know what's going on though, and I tend to diagnose my patients correctly and answer all the questions correctly. But at this point they just let me do my thing for the most part and just check at the end to make sure I did everything right.
Yup. Had it happen quite a few times. One instance I specifically remember back in dental school of a professor look like he was about to explode after checking one of my temporary restorations. He started throwing instruments around and they were falling on the floor and the patient was scared. So was I. He ended up writing a letter to the head of the restorative department that I was incompetent - I think the temp Fuji Triage didn't have contact on the mesial or distal. This was the first time I ever worked with the guy as I usually tried to avoid him. I was scared at the time - now I just LAUGH! I think the head of restorative was laughing too but it was apparent she thought the whole thing was stupid as well.

On another note - we had a perio professor who was well known to yell at students and blow up at them if their probing depths were different than his. For some reason he would just tap me on the butt every now and then and the few times I worked with him he never bothered me. It was very odd but I didn't mind.
Yup. Had it happen quite a few times. One instance I specifically remember back in dental school of a professor look like he was about to explode after checking one of my temporary restorations. He started throwing instruments around and they were falling on the floor and the patient was scared. So was I. He ended up writing a letter to the head of the restorative department that I was incompetent - I think the temp Fuji Triage didn't have contact on the mesial or distal. This was the first time I ever worked with the guy as I usually tried to avoid him. I was scared at the time - now I just LAUGH! I think the head of restorative was laughing too but it was apparent she thought the whole thing was stupid as well.

On another note - we had a perio professor who was well known to yell at students and blow up at them if their probing depths were different than his. For some reason he would just tap me on the butt every now and then and the few times I worked with him he never bothered me. It was very odd but I didn't mind.
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Like a light tap, you know the ones coa c he's give their players sometimes on sports teams. Nothing sexual in nature at least I didn't think so.

As far as rude professors yelling at students - it is unacceptable and unprofessional but it happens.