Exam Krackers Audio Osmosis

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15+ Year Member
Feb 2, 2007
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I just got the AO CD's and so far I love them. I have been using them as a supplement and listening to them after I do the chapters in the book. I have only done Physics so far. It has really given me a better understanding of the material. I was wondering what everyone elses stragey was for using AO?

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I just got the AO CD's and so far I love them. I have been using them as a supplement and listening to them after I do the chapters in the book. I have only done Physics so far. It has really given me a better understanding of the material. I was wondering what everyone elses stragey was for using AO?

I haven't used the Cds as a primary way of studying. I just emptied out all the Cds in my car and put nothing but AO CD's in there. That way, my 2 hours of driving back and forth from work, and even my 30 second drive to the laundry mat could actually be more beneficial.
I just got the AO CD's and so far I love them. I have been using them as a supplement and listening to them after I do the chapters in the book. I have only done Physics so far. It has really given me a better understanding of the material. I was wondering what everyone elses stragey was for using AO?

I put the audio osmosis cds onto my ipod and listen to it almost everywhere i go. they're pretty good for re-enforcement:thumbup:
I tried listening to them when I was driving, but it was too hard to concentrate. If you're sitting in a parking lot, waiting for a friend, then yeah, that'd be a good time. My favourite way was just to lay in bed and listen to them like that.
I listened to them while jogging.

I'd strongly suggest that you check out the errata section of their web site. Unless they did a big overhall, Audio Osmosis had quite a few errors in it. If you find yourself listening to it and saying, "Huh?!?", it pays to check out another resource.