FAFSA 2025-2026 Question

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Jul 24, 2022
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To everyone who doesn't know, the 2025-2026 Fafsa is available! But now I have a question lol. I know fafsa looks at your tax returns, and as someone who has been in full-time employment for the last 2+ years, I'm curious about how that will affect my aid. Do they consider that I won't have that employment during school? I'm sure the schools themselves do, but will my job screw me for what I could get federally?

P.S. I'm one of those people who were lucky enough (and grateful) to have my parents pay for undergrad, but I'm on my own for med school. So I'm totally new to this process and what it entails, any help is appreciated!

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They will determine your aid eligibility based on your income (+/- your parents, depending on your age) from 2023 by ranking you in something called the "Student Aid Index"

From what I understand, the SAI determines how much need based aid you get at the schools you've applied too. But shouldnt impact federal loans... I think?
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I didn't think parents info was used for FAFSA for med school.

Federal student loans are available to most medical students. As a medical student, you are considered a graduate/professional student, which means you will be able to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on your own — without needing information from family members.
I didn't think parents info was used for FAFSA for med school.

Federal student loans are available to most medical students. As a medical student, you are considered a graduate/professional student, which means you will be able to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on your own — without needing information from family members.
Oh, i guess not! That was an assumption on my part, sorry 😛