Failed step CS SEP

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Apr 29, 2020
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I am a US medical school student who live in USA for 16 years now. I just found out I failed Step 2 CS SEP portion. I am so devastated as I am planning to go into a competitive specialty. Everything I build so far is good for me to match until now. Even though English is not my native language, but I basically grew up in America and it is unbelievable that I failed SEP. Anyone encounter this situation or advice?

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Hello Mochi, so sorry to hear of your predicament.
The first thing to do is to remind yourself that you can still achieve your dreams and match into your desired program
When you are ready i would advice you replay the exam in your head and try to realize where you may have had a challenge or not in relation to SEP:
were the SPs understanding you
were you understanding the SPs
did you have to repeat yourself alot
did you subconsciously use a slang or exclamation that was not English
and were your notes understandable.
Finally treat the retake like a new exam, do not only focus on SEP but also on all other aspects.
You will achieve your dreams, all you have to do is BELIEVE!!!!
Stay safe friend
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Hello Mochi, so sorry to hear of your predicament.
The first thing to do is to remind yourself that you can still achieve your dreams and match into your desired program
When you are ready i would advice you replay the exam in your head and try to realize where you may have had a challenge or not in relation to SEP:
were the SPs understanding you
were you understanding the SPs
did you have to repeat yourself alot
did you subconsciously use a slang or exclamation that was not English
and were your notes understandable.
Finally treat the retake like a new exam, do not only focus on SEP but also on all other aspects.
You will achieve your dreams, all you have to do is BELIEVE!!!!
Stay safe friend

I only have to repeat myself x 2 to SP, and asked them to repeat x 2 to me because I was busy writing down note and did not hear what they said. TBH, I was shocked when I found out I failed SEP because the SP seemed to understand me well. They answered all my questions. I got all my information to make the diagnosis. No I did not use or exclamation that was not English. My notes were well, I passed the other two sections with only one star on borderline on the right.