Fake Doctor's Note! Help

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So the school called your personal physician...asked for your medical records...and your physician's staff just gave it to them?

If true, the bright side is that you could probably sue some people for breaking privacy laws.
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It does sound like they're going out of their way to get rid of you. But why? What do they get out of it?
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I get the feeling that this may not be a US based school
My school had a policy about professionalism and ethical behavior. Falsifying a medical document would be construed as a violation... most students are given benefit of doubt initially... I guess you can appeal any disciplinary action... several past threads on this topic, do a search.... I wouldn't take everything at face value, but It's a reasonable starting point
They cannot expel you for this reason (unless the document is fraudulent of course) and somewhere along the lines something is missing from their part of the story or yours. If they do take disciplinary action against you after you've provided verification, time to find a lawyer.

I need help with my sad story.

I am an international P3 student on probation. Recently my father passed away. I've been extremely stressed out and the professors at my school have been searching for reasons to kick me out.

Recently, I had fallen ill due to ulcers and was stuck in the hospital. I had missed an exam due to my illness, and asked my doctor for a note to cover me for the day of the exam.

I then asked my professors if I can take the exam in a week so I may prepare. Of course, they forced me to take it the very next day.

Now, my doctor asked if I wanted to be excused for a week, but since I had some work I needed to do (lighter than an exam), I said that I just needed to be excused for the day of the exam.

Well, after my coursework, the professors basically put me in a room, without telling me why, and then forced me to take the exam that day.

I panicked and submitted another doctor's note that they alleged to be fake (I took the exam, but said they wouldn't grade it unless I brought another doctor's note for that same day as well).

They called into the hospital I got the note from, and the doctor told them information about my visit (whether I came or not, why, when the last time I came was, etc.). Then another person at the hospital said the note appears to be false.

The next day I got two more doctor's note that were verified, and those two notes said I am excused for the previous days, and the following 5 days.

So that's 3 verified notes, and one that they weren't able to verify.

Now they want to expel me. Does anyone have experience with these issues? Can they really expel me?
You thought you could come to class for a few days while also claiming to not be able to take the exam for a week?
Do they want to expel you for doing bad on the test or because they think that the note was fake?
You thought you could come to class for a few days while also claiming to not be able to take the exam for a week?
I don't see anything wrong with it? I did that......... Schools do allow you to do that.
You forged a doctors note. Regardless of whether or not you were able to procure another one to cover it, you forged a note, which is a violation of your schools ethics policy.

You would have been better off just walking out of the room and THEN getting a note covering your absence that day. Schools are pretty much bent over about having to make sure things are "fair" for students, and have to provide individualized testing rooms and whatever excuses are presented for the whinier of students. But if you're performing fraudulent activity, that is reflective upon what you may do as a pharmacist, and they have every right to throw the book at you.
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maybe some do, glad you found one that did
I actually read it wrong, some schools allow you to be excused from the class but you can take the exam.

Regardless, OP never stated whether or not the note they submitted out of panic was fake. If it is, then you committed a crime and they have the right to expel you. If it is not, why aren't you fighting this?

Also, why are your professors putting you in a room and forcing you to do things. Sounds very weird. They can't put you in a room without telling you why and force you to do something. They're being petty/sneaky/unprofessional. If they wanted to catch you in a lie or something, there are other ways.
You're being deliberately vague about something black and white...did you submit a forged note?

Whether your physician tried to help you after the fact is not relevant.

Whether you were blindsided by an exam is not relevant.

The note they "couldn't verify" is fake or isn't fake.

If it's fake, you're in trouble and none of us know the best play. I doubt asking for mercy will work so I'd probably ride out the lie to the dismal end but I don't think that will work either.
Realizing now that OP might be omitting facts so that admins don't see this post because they're always lurking :D. OP is probably lurking as well without being signed in. At the same time, we can't help you if we don't know.
You thought you could come to class for a few days while also claiming to not be able to take the exam for a week?

When my grandma died and I had to miss a few days for the funeral which included 2 tests, I asked for a little more time to re-prepare for the examinations since my mind was clearly not going to be focused on anatomy and histology. I got another week to study for the exams and attended classes as usual. This is not an unreasonable request for someone who has recently been ill or had a significant family event.