Final Exams-Step I Timeline

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15+ Year Member
Apr 16, 2004
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We had a talk from our dean today who told us that there is no way any of us should take Step I in May because we'd need much longer to study. We finish our final exams for spring semester in the last week of April/first week of May. My plan was to give myself four weeks of studying post-exams, take the test, and have nearly a month off before starting third-year. I figured four weeks plus studing for the path shelf (which is our final for the course) would be enough. Is that an unrealistic timeline?

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Hey, I'm a second year too, and I do plan on taking the step I about four weeks after my class is done with. from reading this board and talking to uppers I think four weeks is good if you have study throughout first and seconf years and don't really need an "intense review".
Geez... at our school, four weeks is the maximum time allowed, so I sure hope it's enough!
Our 2nd year goes until May 16-17 and 3rd Year starts on 3rd July but our seniors told us that 5 weeks is more than enough for USMLE otherwise u start forgetting stuff that u read in 1st week. I don't know if that is enough time to review/study much rides on this one score :scared: :scared: :scared:
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We had a talk from our dean today who told us that there is no way any of us should take Step I in May because we'd need much longer to study. We finish our final exams for spring semester in the last week of April/first week of May. My plan was to give myself four weeks of studying post-exams, take the test, and have nearly a month off before starting third-year. I figured four weeks plus studing for the path shelf (which is our final for the course) would be enough. Is that an unrealistic timeline?

My second-year classes ended April 28 and I took USMLE Step I on May 14th. Since I had a fellowship that summer, I was required to take Step I earlier than the rest of my class (most took the exam second or third week of June). I found that setting a solid study schedule and sticking with my one resource (Q-Bank), I was more than prepared by that date. I did very well too.

I do not believe that your plan is unrealistic at all especially since you will have taken the Path shelf and will have a great idea of the path on USMLE Step I. Stick to your resources, keep to your schedule and you will be fine. I rapidly reached a point where I couldn't look at review stuff anymore. At that point, it's definitely time to take the test. Good luck!:luck:
Our exams are over may 14/15, MS3 orientation June 24-26 and 1st block starts first Monday in July (I think 7/2 this year?)

I plan on taking my Boards June 8th, hopefully it works out!:eek: