FlexMed 2016

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It has been too quiet...

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What are you all wearing to your interviews?
I scanned a lot of the old threads here on interview attire. Seems like there's kind of a uniform, even for women: classic business interview dress. I'm torn between slacks (more professional) and a skirt (more comfortable and suits my body type) but definitely wearing a blazer. Mid heeled comfortable shoes, no open toes. If you wear a skirt, hose or tights are a must apparently. No bright nail polish or flashy jewelry. Hair up or back. Most of this is pretty intuitive I guess. Dress for comfort and confidence!
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I scanned a lot of the old threads here on interview attire. Seems like there's kind of a uniform, even for women: classic business interview dress. I'm torn between slacks (more professional) and a skirt (more comfortable and suits my body type) but definitely wearing a blazer. Mid heeled comfortable shoes, no open toes. If you wear a skirt, hose or tights are a must apparently. No bright nail polish or flashy jewelry. Hair up or back. Most of this is pretty intuitive I guess. Dress for comfort and confidence!

I have always felt that skirts and slacks are equally professional, but that's just me. You do you! Good luck! Keep us updated on your success 🙂
Has anyone else been asked to reschedule their interview for a different day? If so are you doing it?
So this week is theoretically the last week they send out invites for interviews right?
I have been emailing the pre-enrollment coordination who has told me that they hope to have all decisions made regarding the next week but that they are still in the process of finalizing screening and giving out interviews.
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I have been emailing the pre-enrollment coordination who has told me that they hope to have all decisions made regarding the next week but that they are still in the process of finalizing screening and giving out interviews.

Thanks for letting us know! 🙂 I had given up all hope.
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I really hope they send out all decisions this week. It has been too long and my anxiety level has risen to its peak
If you guys go to your essay section, have some of your essays been cut off?
If you guys go to your essay section, have some of your essays been cut off?
I uploaded mine purely as a word document, but I didn't have anything cut from my application. Just so you folks know, I really think that you are going to do some wonderful things in the field of medicine, regardless if this is your foot in the door. Good luck, and blessings to you. ✌
My essays have not been cut down. I'm still confused if they decided to just leave the application status as "complete" instead of "reviewed", or if they only marked the interview invites only as reviewed. I don't know, I'm really happy for everyone but i'd just like an answer sometime soon haha.
@callmedoc14 did you enter your essays in the box or on word? Also I think they just left everyone as complete (it seems that even people who did get interviews were still marked as complete).
Thats odd. When I drag to make the box bigger, part of my essay was deleted and there are these red boxes with "characters remaining" next to them. I hope they got to read my essays and not the cut off versions haha
You guys do logically realize that you're super overthinking this right 😉
You also seem like a pretty cool human being. This really sucks right now, but there are so many doors waiting to open for you in the future. It doesn't make it any easier, but it brings things down to reality. 🙂
Did anyone get anything today? Seems strange that no one has heard anything. Do you guys think more invites are coming, or are we all waiting for rejection letters at this point? 🙁
Did anyone get anything today? Seems strange that no one has heard anything. Do you guys think more invites are coming, or are we all waiting for rejection letters at this point? 🙁

have heard nothing. not sure if we should just resign ourselves to the inevitable at this point
I would buy the mcat prep books even if you got an interview invite haha. Nothing is for sure. I know i'm going to be studying for the mcat no matter what.
Considering that hopefully we will all get an email tomorrow morning, I just wanted to wish everyone good luck! It's been a good run no matter what!
I just got my rejection. I definitely understand, I have a gap in between my school years. Congrats to all who got invites!
Ah, rejected... lol. Not surprised, but I am glad I don't have to wonder anymore! This MCAT is going to suck.
Alas! The rejection letter left me feeling a victor of sorts. I suppose it is rather the feeling of certainty. There are many, many options for us now. A glimpse into the admissions process, a list of your credentials, a critical view of medical school: the silver lining shines brightly, brothers and sisters. Tread lightly ahead. Your success awaits you.
Has anyone who's had an interview yet care to report back?
@Cloelia Yeah, of course!! I had my interview a few weeks ago; it was super chill. Basically, they sat all of us down in a room and we got to know each other and eat breakfast and watch some intro videos about the school. We were then split up into our interview groups; each of us had two different interviews in different rooms. Both interviews went well. The interviewers just asked about my personal passions and aspirations and it was much like a conversation rather than a back and forth interview-style setting. After the interviews, we were given a tour by a few student guides and we were out by 1PM that afternoon! It was a wonderful experience and good practice at the least; we are to hear back in July so it is a long wait. Will be taking care of finals in the mean time.
@Cloelia Yeah, of course!! I had my interview a few weeks ago; it was super chill. Basically, they sat all of us down in a room and we got to know each other and eat breakfast and watch some intro videos about the school. We were then split up into our interview groups; each of us had two different interviews in different rooms. Both interviews went well. The interviewers just asked about my personal passions and aspirations and it was much like a conversation rather than a back and forth interview-style setting. After the interviews, we were given a tour by a few student guides and we were out by 1PM that afternoon! It was a wonderful experience and good practice at the least; we are to hear back in July so it is a long wait. Will be taking care of finals in the mean time.
Thanks for the info! Sounds like you had a great interview, congrats and good luck 🙂
Have other people gotten transcript requests? Just got one today. Do they send them to everyone? If not does it mean anything?
How much do you think it'll hurt my chances if my spring semester grades are relatively worse than my fall semester grades? I had a ridiculously good fall semester (3.94 gpa) but the combination of classes and some outside emotional issues during the spring semester really got to me- I'm looking at a couple of B+'s, maybe a B, and maybe an A- (grades haven't all been released yet, but I have one B+ so far). I know those grades are totally fine on their own but I'm worried it'll seem like I'm on a downward trend. My overall gpa up until this semester was a 3.84, so even if this semester is worst-case scenario, I'll probably have an overall of around 3.7. Should I maybe send them an explanation or something? Or am I freaking out for no reason?
How much do you think it'll hurt my chances if my spring semester grades are relatively worse than my fall semester grades? I had a ridiculously good fall semester (3.94 gpa) but the combination of classes and some outside emotional issues during the spring semester really got to me- I'm looking at a couple of B+'s, maybe a B, and maybe an A- (grades haven't all been released yet, but I have one B+ so far). I know those grades are totally fine on their own but I'm worried it'll seem like I'm on a downward trend. My overall gpa up until this semester was a 3.84, so even if this semester is worst-case scenario, I'll probably have an overall of around 3.7. Should I maybe send them an explanation or something? Or am I freaking out for no reason?

Is there a way to send them an update? Like extracurriculars you've joined, or like I declared a new major. DO I send it with my transcript?
If you change majors I think you are required to notify then (I think this is what they said at the interview).
If you change majors I think you are required to notify then (I think this is what they said at the interview).
Yeah, if I remember correctly from the interview you're required to report if you change your major, your intended year of graduation, if you transfer to another school, etc. (basically any major changes in your educational trajectory). They also said you CAN notify them about things like publications that might be relevant to your application (but from how they phrased it to us, at least, it made it sound like they're not really interested unless it's something fairly big/important).

Re: grades, I don't think you NEED to send them an explanation (especially since it's not a drastic downward trend and I'm sure they expect SOME variation especially if you're taking harder and harder classes), but if there are big-deal mitigating factors in your personal life, health, family etc that might be relevant you could definitely inform them, if you feel comfortable doing that. I haven't done that for FlexMed but I know another student who applied who had some serious health issues and other circumstances outside of her control that negatively affected her second-semester freshman grades, and she included an explanation of that in her original application. I personally wouldn't be panicking excessively about a couple of B+s at this point-- especially since there really isn't much you can do-- but I am not an authority (obviously)!

Good luck in any case 🙂 Ugh, waiting until July first is gonna be so painful... is anyone else feeling like that??