This is what is happening in the state that brought you "6:1 Tech/Pharmacists Supervision" ratios.
Now the legislation hasn't passed, but the Big companies have done this before by simply bypassing the Board and getting a legislator to sponsor a bill.
If I had it to do over I would NEVER, EVER go to pharmacy school and the students that visit this forum should consider their future VERY carefully. Its not just Florida, other states are being lobbied similarly because its the new "business model." Other states have Drug Pick-up Kiosks for example (Google: Walgreens Pharmacy Kiosk ).
I had a job for 5 of the last 10 years, graduated in top 5% from UF (Top ten ranked at time of my attendance), and have clinical and retail experience. I have been unemployed for over a year.
This is a DEAD profession that is breathing its last gasps. Choose wisely, this isn't going to go away.
Remote Dispensing in Technician only pharmacies. HB679/SB848
This legislation would create a new pharmacy permit for technician only pharmacies that are remotely supervised by a pharmacist in an off-site location. A pharmacy manager would be permitted to supervise up to three pharmacies; one on-site and two remote locations. The current legislation would only require that the remote pharmacy be at least 10 miles from an existing pharmacy.
The Florida Pharmacy Association opposes this legislation based on our concerns for patient safety. Medication errors are the largest contributor of expenses and negative outcomes in healthcare today. Remote dispensing, as it is currently proposed, fragments the patient, pharmacist and physician relationship.
Now the legislation hasn't passed, but the Big companies have done this before by simply bypassing the Board and getting a legislator to sponsor a bill.
If I had it to do over I would NEVER, EVER go to pharmacy school and the students that visit this forum should consider their future VERY carefully. Its not just Florida, other states are being lobbied similarly because its the new "business model." Other states have Drug Pick-up Kiosks for example (Google: Walgreens Pharmacy Kiosk ).
I had a job for 5 of the last 10 years, graduated in top 5% from UF (Top ten ranked at time of my attendance), and have clinical and retail experience. I have been unemployed for over a year.
This is a DEAD profession that is breathing its last gasps. Choose wisely, this isn't going to go away.
Remote Dispensing in Technician only pharmacies. HB679/SB848
This legislation would create a new pharmacy permit for technician only pharmacies that are remotely supervised by a pharmacist in an off-site location. A pharmacy manager would be permitted to supervise up to three pharmacies; one on-site and two remote locations. The current legislation would only require that the remote pharmacy be at least 10 miles from an existing pharmacy.
The Florida Pharmacy Association opposes this legislation based on our concerns for patient safety. Medication errors are the largest contributor of expenses and negative outcomes in healthcare today. Remote dispensing, as it is currently proposed, fragments the patient, pharmacist and physician relationship.