for the requirement of one year of English

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Aug 6, 2006
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does the one year have to be all English composition or English is also acceptable? if a class was called English in our transcript but the was no writing whatsoever (only shakespeares plays) is that acceptable, or the one year has to be English with writing?

also: what if the class is called History on your transcript, but it involved a lot of writing? can that go towards completing the one year of English?

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Literature definitely counts. I'm not sure about history though.
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does the one year have to be all English composition or English is also acceptable? if a class was called English in our transcript but the was no writing whatsoever (only shakespeares plays) is that acceptable, or the one year has to be English with writing?

also: what if the class is called History on your transcript, but it involved a lot of writing? can that go towards completing the one year of English?

You'll have to work it out with individual schools. Some schools were flexible (GW, for example), while others said only classes offered by the English department counted (Mt. Sinai).
Sorry to hijack your topic, but what about a class in French literature? Or Comp. Lit?
School specific. However, most schools are pretty flexible with the English requirement. If you went to a liberal arts college, most med schools won't hassle you about it.
It's essentially to make sure you have taken composition courses in college. Literature usually counts along with a lot of other writing intensive courses. If you don't know how to write it's a problem. Getting a bachelor's degree without writing seems a little worthless.
isn't writing ability what the j-t part of your mcat score report is supposed to assess/reflect?

That part is pretty random and depends on the prompts you get, your writing style, etc. The adcom doesn't look at it all that much from what I heard.
i took 5 science writing courses, freaken that was like 200+ pages of paper i wrote, it better count as 1 extra english course or i am going to be mad.
To avoid hassles later on, you should take a years worth of classes in your school's English department. This will cover you for those schools that are more stringent on the requirement. This is lost upon most pre-med advisors, including mine.
This requirement is such a pain in the ass. I have one quarter of comp. and one study aboard that was a writing course. I hope I can just do another study abroad instead of two more quarters of comp. Does anyone know if a study abroad that is considered a writing credit will count towards this requirement?

I mostly hate this requirement because my major is so restrictive on electives that English and foreign language requirements have taken all my electives. I'll never get to take any courses like European Witch Trials or History of Christianity! Unless I pay for another year 😡
This requirement is such a pain in the ass. I have one quarter of comp. and one study aboard that was a writing course. I hope I can just do another study abroad instead of two more quarters of comp. Does anyone know if a study abroad that is considered a writing credit will count towards this requirement?

I mostly hate this requirement because my major is so restrictive on electives that English and foreign language requirements have taken all my electives. I'll never get to take any courses like European Witch Trials or History of Christianity! Unless I pay for another year 😡

Again, the english requirements are all school-dependent. Some schools will count writing-intensive classes in lieu of an English class, some won't.