Alright, you've asserted in two different responses that a) the Canadian system doesn't work and b) we have excessive wait times for even the most trivial treatments and procedures.
You're wrong on both counts.
The system works, because if you consider what we put into our system and what we get out of it in return as "not working", then I sure as heck don't know what you consider the American system.
Wait times are less than ideal for some diagnostic tests and procedures, but the majority of Canadians are not dealing with massive line ups around the block to get a quick checkup or visit to a doc (contrary to what Fox news would have you believe). The fact is, the majority of Canadians get the care they need and they get it in a timely manner. This is why UH is so entrenched in our country and in our political culture: because it works and because we believe in it - any political party that would try otherwise would go quickly down in flames.
In cases where services aren't being provided in a timely manner, I'll refer you to efforts to improve the situation via focused investment of significant additional funds (>$600 million for the project) through the gov't "Patient Wait Times Guarantee" scheme