Friendship and Dating for AAF pharmacist

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Jun 26, 2009
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Are there any young African American men in the healthcare profession looking to be friends possibly more with a ~30yo AA pharmacist in Alabama?

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WTF??!! Try EHarmony or Craigslist.
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Ha HA....there are no people in the healthcare profession on there.

OK, how about going to and look for an African-American healthcare professionals meet-up group in your area. If there is not one, you can start your own. I suggest this because I wouldn't be surprised if a mod came along and closed this thread because I don't think dating is the purpose of SDN.
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Ha HA....there are no people in the healthcare profession on there.
I can kinda see the point of this thread, you say you're a pharmacist on those sites and you get a ton of gold diggers instantly. There's a weekly radio segment out here, "thursday hookup" where you call in to win a date with some girl. One of the callers was a pharmacist, the radio host said the girl's eyes instantly lit up, and he ended up winning. Maybe by dating a colleague you're going to avoid that.
I can kinda see the point of this thread, you say you're a pharmacist on those sites and you get a ton of gold diggers instantly. There's a weekly radio segment out here, "thursday hookup" where you call in to win a date with some girl. One of the callers was a pharmacist, the radio host said the girl's eyes instantly lit up, and he ended up winning. Maybe by dating a colleague you're going to avoid that.

Make up a job that makes you seem like a low paying inividual but very heroic and see if anyone sticks around.
Are there any young African American men in the healthcare profession looking to be friends possibly more with a ~30yo AA pharmacist in Alabama?


Oh geez. Please, call me cynical if you must, but I hope no one sends this individual any money.

If you're legitimately looking to make friends/whatever, I don't think this is the way to go about it. There are dating websites for that.
I can kinda see the point of this thread, you say you're a pharmacist on those sites and you get a ton of gold diggers instantly.

This is why I only date someone who AT LEAST make as much as I do >_>;
Is it that easy to find someone you're interested in that makes as much as a pharmacist or more? I don't think you'll find that person on EHarmony or any other dating site. I could be wrong.:p
I can kinda see the point of this thread, you say you're a pharmacist on those sites and you get a ton of gold diggers instantly. There's a weekly radio segment out here, "thursday hookup" where you call in to win a date with some girl. One of the callers was a pharmacist, the radio host said the girl's eyes instantly lit up, and he ended up winning. Maybe by dating a colleague you're going to avoid that.

I'm surprised she knew what a pharmacist was. 90% of the public thinks that we count pills. How much could we possibly make right? We're like McDs with our drive through.
I'm surprised she knew what a pharmacist was. 90% of the public thinks that we count pills. How much could we possibly make right? We're like McDs with our drive through.

Haha. Or they think that it took us like about a yr or two of technical school to become one... Pure idiots!
Are there any young African American men in the healthcare profession looking to be friends possibly more with a ~30yo AA pharmacist in Alabama?
Yeah, sure man! What's up? I'm a healthcare professional too, just moved to Alabama and I haven't met too many new people yet. I got this sweet new apartment in Montgomery, you should stop on by for a beer or something! We could just hang out, watch the Crimson Tide, whatever...

Are there any young African American men in the healthcare profession looking to be friends
...oh, crap, just noticed this. So in order to be friends with you, one HAS to be African American? Unfortunately, I'm white... I'm still a cool guy though, I promise! It's just a skin color... it has nothing to do with who I am on the inside!

...On second thought, I don't want to hang out with a racist anyway. Good luck with your friendship search.
Yeah, sure man! What's up? I'm a healthcare professional too, just moved to Alabama and I haven't met too many new people yet. I got this sweet new apartment in Montgomery, you should stop on by for a beer or something! We could just hang out, watch the Crimson Tide, whatever...

...oh, crap, just noticed this. So in order to be friends with you, one HAS to be African American? Unfortunately, I'm white... I'm still a cool guy though, I promise! It's just a skin color... it has nothing to do with who I am on the inside!

...On second thought, I don't want to hang out with a racist anyway. Good luck with your friendship search.

Dude, she said "maybe more" and has "dating" in the title post. I don't think she's racist per se just because she doesn't want to date a white guy... maybe she is only attracted physically to AA men, like an AA version of a Kardashian (just kidding), chill bro...
Yeah, sure man! What's up? I'm a healthcare professional too, just moved to Alabama and I haven't met too many new people yet. I got this sweet new apartment in Montgomery, you should stop on by for a beer or something! We could just hang out, watch the Crimson Tide, whatever...

...oh, crap, just noticed this. So in order to be friends with you, one HAS to be African American? Unfortunately, I'm white... I'm still a cool guy though, I promise! It's just a skin color... it has nothing to do with who I am on the inside!

...On second thought, I don't want to hang out with a racist anyway. Good luck with your friendship search.


look it up.
Dude, she said "maybe more" and has "dating" in the title post. I don't think she's racist per se just because she doesn't want to date a white guy... maybe she is only attracted physically to AA men, like an AA version of a Kardashian (just kidding), chill bro...

Are you sure she's a she?

~30/ s?? / alabama
Are you sure she's a she?

~30/ s?? / alabama

Oh Snap ---> Wilkos Time, B----es!
