General Practitioners are being unemployed in interdisciplinary team based care

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10+ Year Member
Jun 12, 2012
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It seems this is the way every country is going to a Team Based Interdisciplinary Team Based Care Model to increase access to care at a decreased cost. They are saying doctors need to be freed up and everyone need to practice at the top of their license. Now more than 80% of General Practitioners in the United Kingdom are unemployed and can not find work due to team based care taking over the doctors role in Patient Center Medical Home models. The looks like the Goal of the Affordable Care Act in the USA. Increase access to care at a decreased cost, increase patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. Seems everyone is doing more and more with less.






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I appreciate the attempt in Great Britain to cut costs and better patient care in the process. Just realize that we are oceans apart from their system. Socialized Medicine offers a whole different level of control of the health care system. While here in the USA, Health Care, it's the wild, wild west. Our system is more like a run away train. Good luck with affecting any real change.
This article is from Becker's Hospital Review:

It seems that they want to use registered nurses and pharmacist so the doctor only has to see unstable patient. I think it is a ways away like they said no one has to energy to go forward with it at this time but I think it is possible.

Europe got the idea for PCMH from the USA according to this article:
