Generations greatest problem


Stop the Shananigans!i!i!
10+ Year Member
Oct 30, 2008
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Hey, i need a little help. I'm applying for a scholars weekend to one of my top colleges. I need to make it to be able to go to the school so i think im stressing out about this application. It seems a simple straight forward application: One letter of recommendation and an essay. I got the letter, but im having trouble with the essay question. :confused:
The question is what will be your generation's greatest problems, and how can you solve it. Its a small liberal arts school, and i just dont know to choose the right problem to go with. There is so many ideas floating in my head; i could go with our economy, the climate, baby boomer generation retiring, rise in population, there is just so many choices. And thats just limiting it to the United States does the question imply my generation in the united states or world wide. I dont know im kind of stressing out about this :eek:, if anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated.

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Hey, i need a little help. I'm applying for a scholars weekend to one of my top colleges. I need to make it to be able to go to the school so i think im stressing out about this application. It seems a simple straight forward application: One letter of recommendation and an essay. I got the letter, but im having trouble with the essay question. :confused:
The question is what will be your generation's greatest problems, and how can you solve it. Its a small liberal arts school, and i just dont know to choose the right problem to go with. There is so many ideas floating in my head; i could go with our economy, the climate, baby boomer generation retiring, rise in population, there is just so many choices. And thats just limiting it to the United States does the question imply my generation in the united states or world wide. I dont know im kind of stressing out about this :eek:, if anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated.
There is no "right" problem to go with. The whole point of the exercise is to see what YOU feel is the biggest problem YOUR generation faces. Not us. Nobody else can answer this for you.

Keep in mind, the choice of the "greatest problem" isn't going to make or break you. What they care about is your explanation as to why YOU feel a particular problem is most important.

But if you really want my opinion, I think the biggest problem your generation faces is laziness and complacency. :rolleyes:
Hey, i need a little help. I'm applying for a scholars weekend to one of my top colleges. I need to make it to be able to go to the school so i think im stressing out about this application. It seems a simple straight forward application: One letter of recommendation and an essay. I got the letter, but im having trouble with the essay question. :confused:
The question is what will be your generation's greatest problems, and how can you solve it. Its a small liberal arts school, and i just dont know to choose the right problem to go with. There is so many ideas floating in my head; i could go with our economy, the climate, baby boomer generation retiring, rise in population, there is just so many choices. And thats just limiting it to the United States does the question imply my generation in the united states or world wide. I dont know im kind of stressing out about this :eek:, if anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated.

The greatest problem, and really the only problem worth talking about, is the fiscal irresponsibility of our government. If you aren't as saavy or comfortable talking about this issue in the essay, there are others you can do. I think you might impress if you can cogently lay out the facts surrounding our economic crisis and if you want a good resource, watch the movie "IOUSA" with David Walker, the former Comptroller General. Good luck!
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The question is what will be your generation's greatest problems, and how can you solve it. Its a small liberal arts school, and i just dont know to choose the right problem to go with. There is so many ideas floating in my head; i could go with our economy, the climate, baby boomer generation retiring, rise in population, there is just so many choices. And thats just limiting it to the United States does the question imply my generation in the united states or world wide. I dont know im kind of stressing out about this :eek:, if anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated.

In my opinion, the choices are endless, so stop looking for the true "greatest" problem. Choose the problem you ACTUALLY have an opinion on, something you can have a logical, thought-progressing discussion on that will ultimately lead to a solution.

Make a list, cross out anything too controversial or boring, research the rest and decide what you PERSONALLY can creatively and passionately express to the admissions committee.

These essays are not math problems. There is no right answer. The purpose of writing is to allow admissions individuals to understand how you think, focus, and communicate what you know and understand.

The greatest problem with this essay, is going to be finding the solution! Are you going to simply quote politicians? Develop an argument from one side and suddenly tear it down? Provide examples, including personal ones? Stage the paper as an analogy? ;)

Oh, and uhh...yummy avatar.
The greatest problem, and really the only problem worth talking about, is the fiscal irresponsibility of our government. If you aren't as saavy or comfortable talking about this issue in the essay, there are others you can do. I think you might impress if you can cogently lay out the facts surrounding our economic crisis and if you want a good resource, watch the movie "IOUSA" with David Walker, the former Comptroller General. Good luck!

I would take it even further and say the financial irresponsibility of the American people as a whole. I agree with everything else thought.

If we're going to limit it to the current American generation. Then another possible one would be dealing with the alteration in the balance of world power which is coming with the rise of India, and China, the reappearance or Russia on the world stage, and as the US deals with it's own internal problems. A Decline in our economic power could result in a whole slew of issues which would need to be dealt with.
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Its a 2 page essay which limits how in depth i can go into it. I was thinking about doing something on the economy but that problem entails so much. Then i dont want to offend anyone...well mostly the person reading my paper so that limits my possible subjects. Seriously though thank you all for your help.