Generic letter from big name or sincere letter from lesser known?

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Feb 8, 2013
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What is everyone's opinion on a generic letter from a big name vs a personal letter from a junior faculty/lesser known individual? I find it hard to believe that big names (ie. chairman) will go out of their way to write a personal letter when they literally get asked from every single rotating medical student to write a letter.

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Generic letter from a big name wins the day. But you might as well get letters from both.
What is everyone's opinion on a generic letter from a big name vs a personal letter from a junior faculty/lesser known individual? I find it hard to believe that big names (ie. chairman) will go out of their way to write a personal letter when they literally get asked from every single rotating medical student to write a letter.

I think a sincere and personal letter from a reasonably well known faculty is better than a form letter from a top chairman... that being said since you submit multiple letters its definitly good to have a very well known name as 1 or 2 of those.. so you can balance it out..
I should add that -- having been involved in residency admission committees -- I have to yet see a letter from anyone but a big name count for anything.
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