Glucagonoma and Anemia

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Sep 28, 2018
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Hi everyone!
Why would glucagonoma cause anemia and DiabetesMelitus? Thank you.

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Glucagonoma is theorized to cause anemia by glucagons direct suppression of bone marrow. Alternate theory is possible anemia of chronic disease. The pathophysiology associating glucagonoma and diabetes is not understood.

Source: Economopoulos, P. Christopolous, C. Glucagonoma. Annals of Gastroenterology 2001, 14(2):99-108
Glucagonoma is theorized to cause anemia by glucagons direct suppression of bone marrow. Alternate theory is possible anemia of chronic disease. The pathophysiology associating glucagonoma and diabetes is not understood.

Source: Economopoulos, P. Christopolous, C. Glucagonoma. Annals of Gastroenterology 2001, 14(2):99-108

Thank you so much!
Glucagonoma secretes a lot of glucagon --> raises blood glucose levels = diabetes mellitus (not type 1 or type 2, rather just a state of chronic hyperglycemia)