Good luck to everyone writing tomorrow!

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May 19, 2008
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:D I'm writing it too. Ahh so nervous.

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You too! I'm really nervous too. Trying to keep my mind off the test today and just chill, which obviously isn't working since I'm on this site. :)
? Your test isn't postponed? I thought it was because of the flood in Iowa..
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I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to be writing, bubbling, and a lil bit of doodling. o-o
hey everyone. I'm a first time poster and I just wanted to say good luck to everyone taking the pcats tommorrow. I don't know about you guys but i'm pretty stressed out right about now. See yall on the other side tommorrow.
That's it....I've closed my kaplan book, highlighted my final word, answered my last question, it's time for the real deal!

Off to sharpen my 3 No. 2 HB pencils :laugh: and go to bed!

GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!!! See you here after the test :laugh:
Well I took mine... started at 8:30am EST. Had to get up so early ughhh.

Quantitative was probably my worst part. And maybe chem. Other than that everything worked out.
wow....that was a mind marathon. Including breaks and handing back and forth materials the whole "session" was 7 hours....i hope i don't have to take that again :thumbdown:
Wow ...

My PCAT session lasted about 5 hours and I thought that was brutal. I couldn't imagine being there for an additional 2 hrs.

Hopefully you did well. Can't wait to get the scores.
Mine was about 7 hours too.

I thought Quantitative Ability was the worst. Everything else was decent.

Just glad its over!
Math was definitely tough, along with the experience in general. Having to travel an hour and a half to an unfamiliar, busy city. The proctors started the test late and gave an excessively long break made for a long day.