Graduated 2 years ago but Intern hours expired. Please help.

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7+ Year Member
Apr 11, 2014
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Hi everyone,
I graduated 2 years ago and took my Naplex but failed it but I did pass my MPJE 1 year ago. I am from Texas and graduated from a Texas Pharmacy School 2 years ago and my intern hours about to expired. I've been through alot the passed 2 years and is now ready to study for the NAPLEX but I noticed that my hours are expired. I really do not want to redo all the intern hours, instead I am interested in getting license in Idaho because they do not require Intern hours and MPJE.

Is it possible if I can get licensed in Idaho and transfer my test and license back to Texas?

  1. what is the process to register for the Idaho NAPLEX?
  2. Do you have to submit a retake fee to Idaho or Texas to take the NAPLEX/ license in Idaho since my intern hour expired already?
  3. After I pass it, can I transfer back to Texas and what is the process afterward?
Thank you for you suggestion.

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Hi everyone,
I graduated 2 years ago and took my Naplex but failed it but I did pass my MPJE 1 year ago. I am from Texas and graduated from a Texas Pharmacy School 2 years ago and my intern hours about to expired. I've been through alot the passed 2 years and is now ready to study for the NAPLEX but I noticed that my hours are expired. I really do not want to redo all the intern hours, instead I am interested in getting license in Idaho because they do not require Intern hours and MPJE.

Is it possible if I can get licensed in Idaho and transfer my test and license back to Texas?

  1. what is the process to register for the Idaho NAPLEX?
  2. Do you have to submit a retake fee to Idaho or Texas to take the NAPLEX/ license in Idaho since my intern hour expired already?
  3. After I pass it, can I transfer back to Texas and what is the process afterward?
Thank you for you suggestion.
Hi, I am currently in the same boat and was actually thinking of the Idaho route as well. Did you ever figure out if the Idaho idea was possible?