Graduating but still have 3 pre med requirements

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Mar 7, 2025
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Hey everyone, I’m a senior graduating this may. Im in a really weird spot rn. I came into college wanting to do medicine, studied chemical engineering, and did a lot of the pre-reqs. I’ve done gen chem 1 and 2, physics 1 and 2, orgo 1, many math classes, and got my writing classes done. After my sophomore year, I kinda decided to drop pre med for a career in tech (whole dilemma for another day). I’ve done well and have a 6 figure job lined up out of college, but now my head is back to being a physician, and I’m really annoyed at myself for at least not finishing my requirements. From my understanding, all I really have left is biochem and two bio courses (orgo 2 as well but from what I read online most schools don’t require it). My dillema is this: is there a way for me to take those courses while working my job (I’ll be in the DC area). Enrolling in a post bacc seems like a waste, especially since I got an A in every single pre-med course I took. Wondering how I should approach this.

I should also add that my job would pay partially for me to do education on the side which is a really nice benefit and another reason why I’d want to take classes part time.

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Hey everyone, I’m a senior graduating this may. Im in a really weird spot rn. I came into college wanting to do medicine, studied chemical engineering, and did a lot of the pre-reqs. I’ve done gen chem 1 and 2, physics 1 and 2, orgo 1, many math classes, and got my writing classes done. After my sophomore year, I kinda decided to drop pre med for a career in tech (whole dilemma for another day). I’ve done well and have a 6 figure job lined up out of college, but now my head is back to being a physician, and I’m really annoyed at myself for at least not finishing my requirements. From my understanding, all I really have left is biochem and two bio courses (orgo 2 as well but from what I read online most schools don’t require it). My dillema is this: is there a way for me to take those courses while working my job (I’ll be in the DC area). Enrolling in a post bacc seems like a waste, especially since I got an A in every single pre-med course I took. Wondering how I should approach this.

I should also add that my job would pay partially for me to do education on the side which is a really nice benefit and another reason why I’d want to take classes part time.
A DIY post-bacc at whatever your closest institution is your best bet.
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How do I do a DIY post bacc? Genuinely curious as to how to actually enroll in one. Like how do I apply for this??
Not really something you apply for. Just look around at local schools (doesn't need to be GW or GT, in your case), figure out which ones offer courses you need, and take them.