grammar mistakes in amcas: how serious are they

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May 13, 2008
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I just noticed that I had a few grammar mistakes in my application. Forgot to use past tense or third person for a couple of verbs in my activity description and essay... Do you think that would be a problem?

Most people say mistakes are very noticeable and can cause a bad impression.

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I have a similar question. Thinking back on it, I believe I had a typo on the Writing section of my MCAT. I made the fatal homonym mistake, confusing "elicit" with "illicit." I can only imagine how uncontrollably the graders must be laughing. :(

I've heard that these gravest of errors are mentioned in the score report, and I'm worried they might cost me an acceptance.
I have a similar question. Thinking back on it, I believe I had a typo on the Writing section of my MCAT. I made the fatal homonym mistake, confusing "elicit" with "illicit." I can only imagine how uncontrollably the graders must be laughing. :(

I've heard that these gravest of errors are mentioned in the score report, and I'm worried they might cost me an acceptance.
Please tell me you are joking?
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After submitting it, I found a typo that I made on my secondary for one of my top choice schools. Being neurotic, I looked up everything on the issue and asked anyone I could think of what they thought. Basically I came up with the following. If you have one or two minor typos or mistakes, they will generally be overlooked. If you get to having more than that, the issues of carelessness and/or "does this person care about their app?" come into play.

Yet the best way to think of it is like this - there is jack you can do about it now, so there is no point in fretting.
Yet the best way to think of it is like this - there is jack you can do about it now, so there is no point in fretting.

True. For this reason, I avoid looking at my primary or any of my submitted secondaries just so I can spare myself the stress.