Guatemalan Mayan Considered Native American?

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Nov 4, 2012
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My mother is Guatemalan: Mayan and my father is 100% Cuban..
i know to put Hispanic under ethnicity but is it ok to put native american under Race and under tribe Mayan..(doesnt that include all of america including central)? i mean im not white or im really puzzled, what should i put? please help, thanks.

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I think what they normally mean are tribes native to the United States territory. But still, I would put it regardless, because even if you don't technically fit in that box, you still are providing diversity for the school, and that's something they should be aware of.
I think what they normally mean are tribes native to the United States territory. But still, I would put it regardless, because even if you don't technically fit in that box, you still are providing diversity for the school, and that's something they should be aware of.

as you can imagine, its a little stressful b/c i want to put it as exactly as i am and feel that i am... Ameri-indian but not to the native people of united states but to Guatemala..either way i might go and mark it as NA anyway and explain it...:idea: