Hand Surgery

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Allergies: Clinic
10+ Year Member
Feb 3, 2014
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Anyone is plastics not like hand surgery?

I understand that it’s a residency requirement, but out of curiosity, how many of you finished what you needed in hand and felt “well, never doing that again.”

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Anyone is plastics not like hand surgery?

I understand that it’s a residency requirement, but out of curiosity, how many of you finished what you needed in hand and felt “well, never doing that again.”
I feel the complete opposite as peripheral nerve and hand surgery was my initial draw to plastic surgery. I’m not saying that’s what I’m going to end up doing, but your sentiment is much appreciated by about half of the trainees in my program. I think it’s the hand infections from chronic drug abusers and BS nail bed injuries that put a lot of people off. If it were all DRFs, Montaggia fxs, and more ortho hand stuff, I think more plastics residents would love it more.
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99% of plastics residents want nothing to do with hand surgery after residency has been my observation.
Couple reasons:
1) elective hand surgery is increasingly orthopedic dominated in most markets, so it can be hard to build a sustainable hand practice
2) hand call is painful and full of unplanned procedures at weird hours.
3) relative to 1, plastic surgeons who make themselves available for hand call end up taking care of the things lease pleasant n hand surgery (infections, tendon laceration, nail bed injury,replants) while being boxed out of elective hand surgery by the orthopedists whom take the cases to outpatient surgery centers and don’t take ER call
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