Harvard (OOS) vs UF (IS) vs UConn (OOS)

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If you had to pick a school, what would you pick?

  • Harvard (OOS)

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • UConn (OOS)

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • UF (IS)

    Votes: 8 33.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
May 8, 2023
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Very interested in perio and omfs and looking to specialize. Also love the idea of a medical school integrated curriculum with pass/fail classes. But also know the increased cost of attending a school as an out-of-state student.

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And what happens if you go to Harvard only to realize you don't want to do OMFS? You haven't even picked up a handpiece yet; you have no idea if you'll specialize or what field you'd specialize in. Harvard at sticker is >500k and akin to financial suicide. Go to UF.
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Very interested in perio and omfs and looking to specialize. Also love the idea of a medical school integrated curriculum with pass/fail classes. But also know the increased cost of attending a school as an out-of-state student.
in a previous post, you stated your state of residence was georgia...
And what happens if you go to Harvard only to realize you don't want to do OMFS? You haven't even picked up a handpiece yet; you have no idea if you'll specialize or what field you'd specialize in. Harvard at sticker is >500k and akin to financial suicide. Go to UF.
Yeah this is a very valid claim I have been debating. Do you think it is a more viable option to just put more leg work at UF to specialize while having the security of a lower COA?
in a previous post, you stated your state of residence was georgia...
Yea it is but with family assistance plus being able to reclassify as a Florida resident after the first year the COA would be equal to an IS student. Just wanted to make the poll as quick and easy to vote on.
Yeah this is a very valid claim I have been debating. Do you think it is a more viable option to just put more leg work at UF to specialize while having the security of a lower COA?
100% it is. You got into Harvard. You're clearly very very smart. I'm sure you will have the drive to succeed at any school. I chose my state school over Columbia and Penn, and it was the best decision I ever made. I ended up practicing general dentistry for a couple years, paid off my loans, and am now going back to specialize. Had I been in 500k debt, I would've never given up 2-3 years of lost income for a specialty. Another fact of the matter is, you don't know if you'll even want OMFS yet and you won't know until you have more experience in dental school.