Have you all ever used Cerebrolysin?

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10+ Year Member
Nov 17, 2011
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I had only just heard of it. The evidence sounds promising but equivocal (Cerebrolysin & Your Brain | Cognitive Vitality | Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation). Anecdotal accounts sound good. It seems like it should be completely unavailable as it's not approved in the US, and yet when I searched, there are clinics all around me (I recently moved to SoCal so maybe they tend to have this type of thing more) offering injections. They must be doing some wink-and-nod importation of it.

You might know of the billionaire Bryan Johnson trying to increase his longevity (in the vein of David Sinclair but a bit more intense). He posted a video of himself injecting it. I found a company that claims they get it directly from the manufacturer and sells it online, but I can't imagine why a drug manufacturer/innovator would want to risk their business over what I imagine is a fairly small group of individuals importing it, when they sell it legitimately to the countries where it is approved. So I'm a bit suspicious of the legitimacy of the products being sold; I also wonder if those sites selling it are the source for the local clinics offering the injections.

It's possible it's legitimate product; there does seem to have been more flexibility of the use of unapproved products over time.

Have you all used this or referred people to clinics using it? Know anything about the clinics using it and their sourcing?

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