Help! Do these classes count as BCPM?

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Apr 5, 2014
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Hey, I'm just a little confused as to whether or not these classes fall under my BCPM GPA

  • Psyc243: Intro Psych Statistics
  • Psyc344: Research Methods
  • Anth380H: Human Genetics
  • Biol375: Animal Behavior
Thanks in advance, guys.

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Yes. I put all of my psych stats courses as math on AMCAS and it wasn't an issue.
Hey, I'm just a little confused as to whether or not these classes fall under my BCPM GPA

  • Psyc243: Intro Psych Statistics
  • Psyc344: Research Methods
  • Anth380H: Human Genetics
  • Biol375: Animal Behavior
Thanks in advance, guys.
Probably, probably not, definitely yes, definitely yes. However, you can try with all of 'em -- AMCAS pretty rarely changes classifications for things that may be on the line.
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Also I want to add that despite its name psych research methods at most schools is actually 99% stats (also interesting that it has the same call number as my undergrad). I also listed the following courses as "science" and AMCAS didn't change them: Experimental Methods (100% advanced stats, but with a psych prefix), "Sensation and perception" (essentially a class on how the visual system works so it was reasonable), Attention & Thinking (pushing it, but whateves), Memory and Knowledge (prolly a BS move on my part).