HELP!-I didn't get a copy of my unofficial score report after exam.

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New Member
Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score
Hi, so I took the DAT yesterday and my score popped up right after, but I didn't receive a hard copy of it from the prometric test center. I need to report these scores on my applications and I don't want to mess up anything by mistake like I remember the scores for the most part, but I want to be exact in case I switch up a score or so. What should I do-where can I see my scores??

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Hi, so I took the DAT yesterday and my score popped up right after, but I didn't receive a hard copy of it from the prometric test center. I need to report these scores on my applications and I don't want to mess up anything by mistake like I remember the scores for the most part, but I want to be exact in case I switch up a score or so. What should I do-where can I see my scores??
This is posted on page 7 of the 2021 DAT Guide

"RESULTS REPORTS After a testing session has ended, an unofficial score report will be provided at the test center. Scale scores are reported on the unofficial score report. This report is a personal copy; if an unofficial score report is not provided after completing the examination, candidates should contact the testing program within five days via an email sent to [email protected]."

Hope this helps....Nancy, co/owner, DAT Destroyer