Help! I have no clue what i am doing...

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Dec 11, 2004
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Hey all,

after several rejection letters 🙁 i finally got a few interview invitations (i want to be a radiologist - and damn is it tough). I went to my first interview last week and realized that i have no clue whati am doing. I usually dont prepare for "job interviews" i just go and just try to be me and figure that if they dont like it - then screw them. But, as i was rejected from most of the places i really wanted to go, it occurred to me that this is a really important time.

Many of the other residents at my last interview were obviously prepared - they had copies of papers they had written and were telling stories and seemed very confident. maybe i am just letting my own insecurities get the best of me.

It also didnt help me that i totally floundered on a couple of what in retrospect were "basic questions" - in an interview with the program director he asked me "What is your favorite disease?" - i totally blanked - i couldnt think of anything... . CHF? no too common and lame.. Syphilis? no.. he would think i was a wierdo...... PNH - yeah! i had a case of that my first week on medicine - unfortunately i couldnt remember a single thing about it. so i just kind of stuttered :scared: then he said - "well you know like.. . Amniotic Fluid embolism - what do you know about that?" ugh. OB/GYN was my least favorite rotation. . but i seemed to remember something about chemical pneumonitis-ish sort of reaction and mumbled something about it (i ceant really remember much of what i said).

After my experience at that first interview i was totally flustered the rest of the day.

Has anyone else felt a similar way? I have always been somewhat of a loner and there has never been anyone to tell me what to expect or how to prepare (i am the first in my family to even graduate college much less med school)

Help! I have no clue what i am doing...


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i just read through some of the other posts here - has anyone tried that harvard interview prep site listed here:

- i went so the site, but they are asking 20$ for the course and with all the flights and hotels costs i have it is hard to justify yet ANOTHER charge...

what about books? are there any good interview preparation books or guides that you have found useful? anyone care to give out some wisdom?

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Hey man,

Sorry you had a horrible experience on your first interview. That blows. Well I have a few advices if you want. First I don't think interviews are really that important anyway and most radiology interviews are low key. Personally, my interviews were totally relax with very little stress. I'm a loner too and I have the exact attitude you have. If you want me then why the hell should the interview change anything right? My advice is just to be yourself and answer questions with a humble attitude. PDs want to know you're a down to earth guy, not some jack@$$ who scored 270's. So just be yourself and I'm sure you'll fit in to a program somewhere. I'm bless with descent scores so I guess I'm a little better off. Relax and have fun on the interview. I'm sure you'll do just fine.
Man, if that isn't a great 1-2 sales pitch, I don't know what is. I feel like I'm going to be sold some health tonic soon.
#1 This is SPAM


There are plenty of great products written by people that have gone 'through the process.'

These products cost more than $20, but they are ACTUALLY HELPFUL. Furthermore, these people have given their credentials and stood behind them.

Give us your names. ARE YOU RESIDENTS? Did you actually match in RADIOLOGY?

Who the F--- are you? Why should applicants accumulate an additional $20 to their already massive debts?
Looks like hans got some issues...Take a lesson from Fei, he seems to have a little cooler head, he acutally might match this year. If hans reacts in real life the way he acts in his posts, no program's going to take him.

I just took a look at the site, all the info you're asking for is there. Ever stop to think it might take a second to look at the site instead of wasting all of your time posting here. No research ability....reason #2 you won't match this year. Here, I guess I'll help you out a little bit, do the tough work for you:
Seem like reputable guys with good intentions but you never know. First Aid For the Match is from J. Hopkins, Iserson's from Arizona, these gusy are Chiefs at a Harvard program and might be more up to date on the real match and closer to the student perspective. I don't know if that means they have more credibility but the books sure cost more ($35/$39).
Why doesn't someone email those dudes and ask for a free trial or something. If they are so sold on themselves, they will put their money where their mouth is!!
Idiopathic said:
I want someone with 50+ posts to sell me on this, no offense.

Seriously, I agree. What is up with these zero-post posters trying to make money? As for the original poster, I've yet to encounter a radiology interview whereby someone asked, "What is your favorite disease?" Granted, I've only gone on 10 radiology interviews thus far, but so far, all the interviews have been VERY relaxed.
It's curious that the majority of posters talking up this thread have IP addresses from Boston hospitals or MA-based ISPs. Hmmmm.

If you want to advertise on this website, go through the proper channels and contact Lee Burnett - the owner.

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