Help me decide between UPike-KYCOM and LMU-DCOM

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Jun 17, 2018
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Been accepted to both institutions, and my deposit for Upike-KYCOM is due on December 14th, which is before my LMU-DCOM one. I live in Kentucky, but I live about 1.5 hours from both. I know dress code is required at UPike but not at LMU. Not a big issue to me though. KYCOM is a little bit cheaper, and has an iPad, Apple Pencil, board expresses, and diagnostic equipment built into their tuition, so that is nice. Some insight from from students who have considered both would be helpful. Thank you!

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Go to the cheaper school, less loans is better. Also, LMU had some major problems in the past and even have accreditation warning currently. Not sure how things are over there now, but KYCOM is a solid DO school.
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Go to the cheaper school, less loans is better. Also, LMU had some major problems in the past and even have accreditation warning currently. Not sure how things are over there now, but KYCOM is a solid DO school.
Do you mind expanding on LMU having major problems in the past? I did see Goro's post about a dismissal done by the administration of the parent body, but haven't found much more after that, and I am in a very similar boat as OP
Do you mind expanding on LMU having major problems in the past? I did see Goro's post about a dismissal done by the administration of the parent body, but haven't found much more after that, and I am in a very similar boat as OP
A lot of the deets can be found in this thread from back when I was an OMS-I. Many things may have changed by now, and they may get fully accredited on their next COCA visit, who knows? Only a current student can tell you more about the situation now.
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