Help please for the ptcb exam

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Jun 3, 2011
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Hey everyone! I register to take the PTCB exam for this month. I was wondering if some one can help me with some advise or tips of how i should prepare for the Exam..Like what should i focused on and if anyone thats taken it before could tell me how the test looks like, like if is mostly math or drugs n generics,etc.. I would really appreciate your help =)!

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Read the practice book.
Basically, Know most of your top 200, simple chem equations. (the ones covered in the class if you took it)

Great website...That's basically what I used for my test too...there were a lot of similar questions....The test is not hard...I just studied for it for 5-6 days...maybe 4-5 hours everyday...just do a lot of practice questions.
BTW I did not memorize the 200 top drugs...I think I knew about 15 Don't stress too much about it, you will be fine especially if you already had some experience in the field of pharmacy.
Good luck
My tips:
- Know common patterns (statins, -cin, etc.)
- Know about vitamins - seriously, on mine there were like 6 questions about vitamins & what they do.
- Know how to do ratios & conversions - like half my test was doing variations on the same ratio problem. :)

Good luck!