High School Courses?

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Mar 17, 2024
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I am currently a student in high school preparing to enter a career in veterinary medicine. I am planning on taking a degree in animal science. I wondered what high school classes would be recommended to help boost my chances of acceptance. I have an overall average of 94% so grades aren't an issue, I just want to make sure that I take all of the recommended courses before graduation to make my transition as easy as possible.

Thanks to everyone!

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In high school, I would just focus on doing the best you possibly can in your typical classes and extracurricular activities. Spend some time shadowing a veterinarian if you can. Apply for as many scholarships for undergrad as you can. Minimizing your undergrad student debt will help set you up for success down the road. Choosing a cheaper state college is fine…most vet schools care more about how you did in your undergrad classes than what institution you attended. Taking AP courses in high school can help reduce the number of gen-ed college classes like English 1 you have to take, but at the same time, (at least for my schools) AP tests didn’t contribute to your GPA and since those classes are often easy As, it can boost your overall GPA to take them in college, so I think there are pros and cons to testing out of classes. I did take a couple concurrent enrollment courses like American History and Speech that satisfied HS graduation requirements while also giving graded college credit. But at the high school stage, it doesn’t truly matter what courses you take. Just do your best while still having fun and being a kid.
I am currently a student in high school preparing to enter a career in veterinary medicine. I am planning on taking a degree in animal science. I wondered what high school classes would be recommended to help boost my chances of acceptance. I have an overall average of 94% so grades aren't an issue, I just want to make sure that I take all of the recommended courses before graduation to make my transition as easy as possible.

Thanks to everyone!
I fully agree with JaynaAli. The actual course in high school doesn't matter. It's what you take from those classes. Learning how to understand concepts and critically think through course work is a much more valuable skill than memorizing information. Begin to think to yourself "why is this important? What is the lesson they are trying to teach me?"
In the future, they will say certain classes are "weed out" classes when really it's the classes that get you to learn critical thinking skills.

In high school be much more focused on community service, extra-curriculars, leadership roles. These will give you vital communication skills to interview and get into veterinary school and talk to clients. Begin to focus on things that make you - YOU. If you love running and want to raise money for animal shelters then set up a 5K fundraiser. Begin to find yourself during this time.

My final advice, if you can, pick up tutoring. Being able to talk for long periods to people and teaching people will help you so much in the future. As a vet you need to talk to all kinds of people of different intellect. If you're able to explain complex concepts and have people understand it. You will be a phenomenal veterinarian. (And if this point doesn't sound thrilling, I'd suggest you do more shadowing and think if you'd love explaining things to people. Because you go into this loving animals but talking to people is a big portion of the job).

If you ever need anything, feel free to direct message. I always love helping people wanting to go to vet school.
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The useful classes you can take now are things like learning how to budget, cook, change your oil, etc for long term success. High school classes themselves don't affect vet school directly. And honestly, which classes you take in high school don't really matter to your undergrad institutions as long as you do well.

I 100% recommend a cheap undergrad. I attended an undergrad for 0$ because I went to a small school in the middle of nowhere. Got a ton of scholarships amounting to 60k+ for a school where it costs 40k to attend for all 4 years. Don't be afraid to look out of state at these small schools cause they can give a lot of money to the right students. My in state university (the one with the vet school) and the next state over's university (that tunnels a lot of students to that vet school) didn't give me nearly as much money. My in state university was actually oddly the most expensive even with scholarships.
I only took one AP, which was AP Calc! It seriously helped me out, as I didn’t have to take additional math in college (a song as you pass). It’s the only reason I’m finishing my undergrad in 4 years! Otherwise, high school classes dont directly impact applications.