High Step 1 taking Step 2 in the fall need advice

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7+ Year Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Hi everyone,

So I will be taking Step 2 the fall of MS4 since I scored in the 250s on Step 1 and dont need a CK score for interview invites at the programs I am applying (academic IM). For those USDO or USMD students that were in the same situation where they took Step 2 later because they scored high on Step 1 when did you take it? When did you feel was the best time? October Nov or December of M4?


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I'm in a similar place, scored 249 on Step 1 and am most likely applying FM next year. Trying to decide how much to keep up on material for studying for Step 2 after I'm done with a rotation, or just forget about that stuff until after m3 year and then have to review a decent chunk of it again
I’d just go ahead and take it if I were you, personally. With how well you did on your comats and how hard you studied for all of them, with multiple qbanks even, I think there’s a 0% chance of you dropping below your step 1 score.

I can’t tell you how good it feels to have all my boards done until residency. I kind of feel like I can enjoy life again. Besides, I do know people who applied IM last year and took step 2 later, and said they got another wave of invites after they released their step 2 score. I know that might not necessary be applicable to you since your step 1 is super high, but it does sound like a lot of IM programs like the certainty of seeing your final board scores.