Hot (medication related) topics in neurosurgery ?

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UES Girl

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Oct 21, 2007
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I am a pharmacy student rotating through a pharmacy consult for the neurosurgery service. My daily tasks evolve mainly around pre and perio operative care, as well pt counseling and discharges. I have to do a 20 minute presentation for the journal club for our neurosurgery residents and pharm consults folks that are on the service.

Does anyone have any pointers what sort of topics, medication related, are considered hot in neurosurgery ? Thank you in advance. :luck:

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You could discuss the use of dexamethasone in acute spinal cord injury.
You could discuss the use of dexamethasone in acute spinal cord injury.

we use it daily for all our patients but that just seems so bland. I was hoping for something more exciting. :(
Keppra vs dilantin for tumor/trauma. Dex. Neurontin vs lyrica. Valium vs flexeril. What day post op to start dvt ppx. temodar.