House bill 238 to give AI prescribing authority

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I’m actually quite quiet irl

Of course I definitely dont mention anything about this irl lmao
As a constructive thought, I have a good friend from med school who was also quiet and very much into paranoia/conspiracies. They’re doing very well in a field that I imagine is completely AI proof.

Maybe you could consider palliative care. Skynet doesn’t worry about end of life discussions. People want a personal touch. Problem solved.

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Have you considered becoming a hobo? Plenty of fresh air, lots of free time, few responsibilities, and very little to lose. It could be a good move for you.

You still haven't answered on the physical exam issue (other than deflection), haven't informed us which data you will use to monitor changes to the general surgery match rate this cycle, and are now just fabricating research studies to try and further your point. I don't recall SDN having so many paranoid doom-loops back in the day. Perhaps this is a generational thing?
I just don’t see how physical exam plays much of a role to be honest. In 10 weeks of IM clerkship (where presumably physical exam is supposed to be most important), I only saw one patient in which physicial exam actually changed management. All imaging and labs. And if you’re saving 300k+ why not pay an NP to do it

For surgery data, I will look at matched/unmatched. Maybe it won’t come out until 2026 but it will still have an impact before numbers are published. A class doesn’t go from 10 applying to gen surg to 25 unless there is some systemic change
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