How can I remove negative reviews?

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Nov 1, 2017
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I googled myself and nearly all my online reviews are negative. Most of them say I refused to treat them. One patient who said she was diagnosed with bipolar and hospitalized said I chastised her when she insisted she needed medication. I certainly know who wrote that review and I honestly felt she didn't need to be on any meds. Another review said I am flat out cold and careless. This is unfair because I already don't have a lot of patients, like 2 patients a day or less and these reviews are hurting me. This is unfair. Can I contact the websites and have these reviews removed? If they aren't removed after contacting the websites, what else can I do?

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Why do you only have 2 patients a day? Are you in a saturated market? Do you take insurance?
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Consider it a badge of honor... lower the rating the better you are. It's an inverse proportional.
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Make your own website. Make sure it is legal for you to do it as a physician in your state first. Some states forbid physicians from soliciting testimonials. It probably isn't illegal to have a public guest comment section on your website that you curate, however.
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I get a fair number of patients from those sites. I agree they are BS. One patient was a Dr. you would think he would know better. I would do what you can to get them removed. ANYONE can post there, friends, strangers, bored people. They don't verify
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You can get your colleagues to write real reviews of you or you can solicit fake reviews. I really doubt if they are in those doctor rating sites that they are hurting you. Google and Yelp are more powerful in cultivating your online reputation. Sometimes you're can get fake reviews removed but these are real reviews and patients are allowed to say what they want.
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Read the terms of service of the specific websites and how to flag bad reviews... I got some nasty reviews removed from Yelp because they used swears, but the other ones stayed even though they were inaccurate and the patient's didn't even see me. In my experience these services have no interest in accuracy, just in getting hits, and will not be very responsive.
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