I am a 3rd year and will be applying the cycle after my senior year. I am trying to think of things to do during that year. I know I will need to make time in the summer for the application process and for interviews in the fall/winter. I have a 3.98 gpa so I don’t need to necessarily have to do another academic program to boost my gpa. Also, since I will be applying before this gap year, what I do during this gap year will not really boost my application too much. I have excellent: (at time of application) ECs, volunteering (1300+), clinical hours (CNA: 2000+), research (1500), leadership, etc. so I don’t really need any significant booster during this gap year that I can predict on my future hours on AMCAS.
I was thinking:
I was thinking:
- Spend the summer doing a clinical research internship and applying to medical school
- Then during the fall and early winter I would work as a nursing assistant at home, allowing for me to go on interviews.
- Then come spring, I have always wanted to do a ywam DTS. Ywam is a Christian organization and they have 5 month programs where you go almost anywhere in the world and spend 3 months (Feb-Apr) in “discipleship and Bible school” and then 2 months (May-June) in a remote area of the world doing outreach. They have a global health one where you get trained in Australia to do lots of medical things and assist the other health professionals. Then go to New Guinea working in mobile clinics in remote villages doing both spiritual and health outreach. This would go from the start of February until the end June. I would be in a big city for the first 3 months and have internet access. I may have internet access in the last 2 months, but it will be limited.
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