How competitive is the JHU MHA program?

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Nov 15, 2010
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I am applying to four schools for admission Fall 2011 including JHU (MHA), Columbia (MPH in Health Policy & Mgmt), VCU (MHA), and UNC (MHA). My top choice is JHU and I am also considering the possibility of taking a year off (to get more experience, try to get in again, etc) if I don't get in to any of my top choices. My question is, how competitive are these programs, namely the JHU MHA program? I have read that they only admit 18-22 full time students for their MHA program every year (makes me nervous). I am currently a senior undergrad at a big state university...these are my stats:

GMAT 710 (92%) (I originally considered business school)
GPA: ~3.35 (Economics BS major, possibility of Health, Medicine, and Human Values minor)
Exp: My biggest problem (I think...) No full time work, but some volunteering in a university hospital and I also worked part time at an orthodontists office.

Just wondering what my chances are of being accepted to these programs (mostly wondering about JHU, but any and all information is welcome)!!

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I have had a hard time trying to determine my chances for JH as well. You have an excellent test score that should over-ride your lack of work experience. Additionally, a good GPA in a relevant field is a huge plus for your application. Since JH does not list and admitted student profile, it is hard to gauge what kind of students they accept, or what exactly they are looking for. Where else are you applying, and have you heard anything yet?
I haven't heard anything yet (I haven't actually even submitted my application, although it's almost finished!!)...I'm also applying to UNC, VCU, and Columbia...I'm hoping for the best. I mean, I assume they take at least a handful of people straight from undergrad so I hope I'll be accepted. Hopkins is definitely my first choice so I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be moving to Baltimore come August!! I, like you, have been unable to find any posted stats so I'm completely unsure of where I stand. Are you applying for the MHA program as well?
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Yes, I am applying for the JH MHA, as well as UNC, Minnesota, and VCU. I like Hopkins for the fact that it is only a one year program. Plus, it is located near a great hospital. I live in Utah, and most of the MHAs here went to MInnesota or VCU. I had a hard time finding anyone who had been to Hopkins, or who had any idea of its reputation. However, it does seem like a solid choice for an MHA, and it is my top choice. I should be finishing all of my applications by Dec. 20th, but the personal statement may hold me up for a few more days. I know that about half of the students VCU accepted last year had less than 1 year of work experience. I think Hopkins keeps the cards pretty close to the chest on who they accept (perhaps they like having a little intrigue). Let me know who you hear from!
Yes, I am applying for the JH MHA, as well as UNC, Minnesota, and VCU. I like Hopkins for the fact that it is only a one year program. Plus, it is located near a great hospital. I live in Utah, and most of the MHAs here went to MInnesota or VCU. I had a hard time finding anyone who had been to Hopkins, or who had any idea of its reputation. However, it does seem like a solid choice for an MHA, and it is my top choice. I should be finishing all of my applications by Dec. 20th, but the personal statement may hold me up for a few more days. I know that about half of the students VCU accepted last year had less than 1 year of work experience. I think Hopkins keeps the cards pretty close to the chest on who they accept (perhaps they like having a little intrigue). Let me know who you hear from!

another great thing about it is the 11month field placement. Because of it essentially no Hopkins MHA grads go on to do administrative fellowships. To me thats a plus because they are well prepared and usually most of the organizations that hire students for the field placement offer them full time positions. Its also one extra year of "real" salary versus a fellowship salary.
I haven't heard anything from Hopkins yet, but I do have an upcoming interview at VCU. I don't have a good feeling about my chances for acceptance at JH, but that is just a hunch! VCU extended an intewrview invitation quite promptly after I submitted my app, so I. Think I have a good chance there.
I have 2 years healthcare consulting experience with 3.2 undergrad gpa and 1100 in GRE.I have applied to JHU for fall 2011..Do u guys think I have chance?Also did anyone get an admission decision for fall 2011?
In regards to JU MHS, I think it depends on the department specifically. They have more public health oriented departments, like health education and health policy that offer that degree and other science oriented departments, like Mole Microbio/Immunology. I would check the stats for each department that offers the M.H.S.
^ Disregard my post above. I just realized after posting your talking more about health management programs and a different degree then I was talking about. Best of luck to you.