How do you decide which secondaries to write first?

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Jun 21, 2024
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Recently got verified on 7/15 and could have done some more prewriting. I now have ~15 secondaries to go and am struggling to determine which ones to prioritize. Schools that give early II's? Big dog (competitive schools)? Best fit schools? Safety schools? I am curious to hear what factors you use to make this decision. Cheers!

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Recently got verified on 7/15 and could have done some more prewriting. I now have ~15 secondaries to go and am struggling to determine which ones to prioritize. Schools that give early II's? Big dog (competitive schools)? Best fit schools? Safety schools? I am curious to hear what factors you use to make this decision. Cheers!
It's up to your own priority management overall. Basically the ones you prefer should take priority, however that priority is defined.
I submitted my state schools first, then reaches, then mid-tiers and "safeties." I don't know that it really mattered. Two IIs came from the early IS schools, and the other two IIs came from mid tiers that I submitted last. Submissions from early Aug to late Sept.
I'd recommend IS schools first, then OOS schools that you are most interested in.