How fast do I honestly need to finish secondaries?

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7+ Year Member
Jul 2, 2016
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It is often said that you should finish each secondary application in 2 weeks or less. Sometimes they say 3 weeks.

How bad is it to take 3 weeks, or even 4 weeks? Will it seem like I don't care?

My letter packet definitely won't be ready yet, so I am wondering whether it makes sense to power through the secondaries really fast even though the schools won't have any of my letters yet. Can I spend 4 weeks, do the secondaries more carefully, and keep in mind that they still won't have any of my letters yet?

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It is better to take your time and make sure your essays are honest, well-written, and error free. For your own sanity, I recommend not taking longer than 4 weeks. You don't want an application like that looming over your head for that long. When you think it's ready to go, click submit and move on.
Finish them as soon as you are able. Submitting later than the first week of September will start to become "late". It doesn't matter how long you hold onto a secondary, just when you submit it and the schools start to read it. The faster you get them out, the earlier you might get an interview, and there are a limited number of interview spots.
I think past 4 weeks is pushing it. 3 weeks is okay. Take longer if what you are turning in is absolute garbage, but don't focus on getting it perfect either.