Of course. Some of these schools definitely screen, but I know for sure that some don't (at least mine doesn't). But if you assume similar degrees of transparency (not sure how valid this assumption is), you get the lowest rate here (Cornell's 67%) compared to UCLA's 53%.
Here are some raw numbers (without any percentage to attach to them)
"In 2008, Columbia undergraduates matriculated at Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons (14), The Albert Einstein College of Medicine (8), Harvard Medical School (8), Yale Medical School (8), and Cornell’s Weill Medical College (5)." (
https://undergrad.admissions.columbia.edu/ask/faq/topic/389). That's pretty remarkable.
Not that this really says anything since I still can't find out anything else about Columbia (how many applied? what is the acceptance rate? do they pre-screen? where else do people go?). But anyway, that's (14+8+8+5=35) already at 4 top medical schools. UCLA only had 13 (out of a much higher cohort) that even had a 3.9/35+ which is what they would need to be considered (under normal circumstances) at any of these schools.