How is HPSP paid for after commissioning?

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Feb 23, 2021
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Hi, I just commissioned into the Army recently, and I was wondering how we deal with the payment of tuition and other fees. Is there an HPSP representative that contacts you? Or do we send all paperwork to our recruiter? I am just unsure who I am supposed to contact from this point forward. I appreciate any help!

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Don't worry at all about your tuition. That is between the government and the school. Getting your dental kit and other stuff paid for will be through MODs, this financial thing. You should be getting an email soon. Are you getting your stipend yet?
Don't worry at all about your tuition. That is between the government and the school. Getting your dental kit and other stuff paid for will be through MODs, this financial thing. You should be getting an email soon. Are you getting your stipend yet?
Thanks for the response. I haven't started getting my stipend. My recruiter mentioned I need to compete a fitness test and once I pass I should be set to receive my stipend. From your experience, when did you start getting paid?
Don’t hold your breath. It could take a decent amount of time. I know a few people that are still waiting since June.